Do You Know What Laravel can do for Your Business?

There are so many articles and blogs on web that project out Laravel’s importance and benefits in terms of development point of view. They highlight only the technical aspects of the framework ending up to show how useful Laravel can be for the developers. But, if you are an entrepreneur looking out for the details about the framework from business perspective these type of technical blogs will definitely not serve your purpose. As an entrepreneur looking to choose a framework for PHP web development for your business needs, you would definitely like to know things like what it would mean to consider Laravel for your business web development project, whether it can reduce the costs of development for you or would it help you save time and cut off time to market your web entity that you are planning, will it help you gain the benefits that you are looking to get from your web development projects and many more.

Why Laravel is a Wise Choice for Businesses among all The Modern PHP Frameworks

This blog justifies Laravel from business perspective explaining how it can be useful for the businesses and how it can be better in many ways as compared to the other PHP frameworks for businesses.

1. Get Faster Results at Low Costs

Developers can get fast grip on Laravel development and get started with projects within a shorter period of time because of its excellent documentation and number of clear-to-understand tutorials easily available. Its syntax is also easy to learn and understand even from the existing projects. Hence, this ease of learning and understanding the code enables developers to get through the project easily.

2. No More Wastage of Time and Money on Resolvable Issues

In many cases it is seen that codebase accumulates problems that can resolved earlier with care or need to be handled before implementing the new features. For example, may be you have to add a required feature or a functionality in your site or else you may happen to come across a few things that are not elegantly produced by a new developer. There may be situations where you may want to extend an existing functionality beyond its original application or you may have to discard an existing capability from an application. Hence, if you leave out these things without implementation at an earlier stage, just like a financial debt, it would result in a technical debt for your project resulting in a huge problem that can halt its progress.

This is very rare to happen with Laravel which is called to be a more ‘opinionated’ framework like Symfony. It forces or compels developers to develop code in a standard, specified format like using OOPs principles, solid coding practices etc., that make technical debt less likely to occur while enabling quality coding. Hence, all the time and money which otherwise you would have to waste in resolving the technical issues resulting from such debts can be saved.

3. Lesser Roadblocks between You and Product

Laravel is a PHP framework and PHP, as we all know is everywhere. All the major websites including the most popular social media sites like Facebook, Twitter etc., rely on PHP backend. PHP is affordable and rather easy to host as well. Most of hosting services and cloud computing services around support PHP enabled websites and applications. Hence, if you go for Laravel development for your enterprise, one thing is sure that you will find it easy to host your web product and make it available for the users. In the actual sense, there will be lesser roadblocks or choke-ups between you and a finished product.

4. New Talent and Resources Available

Thanks to the exceptional documentation and onboarding resources that make Laravel much easier to learn and fun to work with. While there are existing developers who can get new things to learn with updating versions, even the freshers can easily embrace this coolest technology. Hence, for a Laravel development company it means easy access to abundant fresh talent for their projects. Even, it would also be for you as an enterprise to look out for resources to supplement your web development project.

5. Enables Fast Development without requiring Extra Support

Like PHP, Laravel is neither slow nor has inefficiencies for use. Instead, Laravel has removed all the issues resulting in PHP development while maintaining all the good things about the platform. The creators of this PHP-based framework have done an excellent thing to create easily deployable environment in a fully-integrated framework that enables faster development.

Laravel has built-in unit testing that makes testing easy process and moreover, even the web services used for Laravel development are readily available for use. For example, there is authentication readily configured, hence, no need to code own account creation. There are resources Stripe and Artisan that facilitate easy transactions and faster configurations. Hence, without requiring any additional resources or extra support, web development can be done really fast with existing readily available Laravel framework components.

6. Good Community Support

The community of Laravel developers is going on increasing along with the growing number of web projects on-shelf. There are number of websites today running on this PHP platform and a large community of developers available for help any time in case there are any issues with your project. Hence, with Laravel as the base of your web development project, you are assured of help from a rapidly growing community that is also easy to connect with.

7. Framework to StayUp for Long Time in Future

According to a recent report from a research company, Google trends analysis for four popular coding frameworks shows that Laravel is a highly preferred PHP technology that is constantly moving up in the graphs clearly distinguishing itself from the other PHP frameworks. Hence, Laravel is predicted to be a futuristic technology that is to stay there for a long time in future with such incredible features and enthusiastic community of developers available for support.

Hence, realizing the above facts, it is clear that Laravel is a wise bet for any business that wants to go for PHP web development for its entrepreneurial needs. Consider only the expert developers or a well-established Laravel Development Company for your web development needs in order to avail the best results for your investments.

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