Post-Penguin Link Building Strategies Every SEO Pro Should Be Doing

Thanks to Google’s Penguin algorithm, bad links are a dreaded reality these days. They can cause rankings to go down along with the website traffic and profits. Having the wrong types of inbound links can be quite risky if you get caught by Google’s Penguin algorithm it would be quite difficult for you to recover from it. In the end, most businesses will spend more to clean up their bad back-links than they would to acquire good ones in the first place. Therefore, many SEO Services providers in India are now focusing more on quality link building strategy.

Over the past couple of years, link building has changed drastically. So, what kind of link building strategies one should consider to overcome or avoid penalties from Google? Here’re a few post-penguin link building strategies you should be adopting:

  • Just remember great content attracts great links

There is no denying that interesting and engaging content will attract more inbound links. Therefore, creating informative and engaging content should be the first priority for your online business. Google recently made it clear with the addition of “in-depth articles” in its search results that article length is now a factor for authority and ranking. Google’s in-depth article section features articles that are typically over 2,000 words.

Creating informative content has some additional benefits. The editors and webmasters allow you to contribute through guest blogging.

  • Guest Blogging

It is one of the most effective ways to improve your Author Rank while creating inbound links. Such links would help you enhance brand awareness while driving targeted traffic to your website. Also, when your articles are published on highly authoritative sites, you will be able to enhance credibility, authority and trust from the readers of those sites. A series of guest blogging articles can also result in lots of referral traffic as readers click-through your other work on the website.

  • Infographics

Infographics are a proven way to visually represent a huge amount of information in a compelling way. In cases where facts and statistics would make a reader’s head spin, infographics can tie all of this information into one easy-to-understand image.

Infographics are a great way to get links too. Many websites will link to infographics or embed them within their own articles because they are a strong source of visual support for readers.

  • High-Quality Local & Industry-Specific Directories

Most businesses will benefit from registering their company information on Google and Bing. Sites like and will help register your company details on additional quality local directories. Trade associations can be a great way to get into industry-specific directories.

Ensure that you follow all these strategies in order to create an authentic link building strategy. Do you wish to leverage from a professional SEO Services India? Get in touch with us now!

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