The year of 2017 has just started and as we look back in 2016, one might have observed the buzz surrounding enterprise apps and mobility. In the year ahead, it is expected that enterprise mobility solutions continue to walk towards a digital environment. According to a research carried out by 451 Research, 40% companies are planning to go for business mobilization in the next two years. Furthermore, statistic report shows that the global revenue for enterprise application will reach 201 billion US dollars by 2019. Apparently, mobile is a mainstream aspect in today’s world. Businesses have to adopt the technology to keep them in the league as a money-spinner.
Figure: Global enterprise application software revenue from 2011 to 2019(US dollars) Credit: Statista
In the present situation, it seems like businesses and large scale enterprises have clearly recognized the critical importance of mobility. Yet, there isn’t a clear understanding whether one should go for developing an app from the scratch, or purchase a readily available enterprise app from the app store. Enterprise apps not only help the customers, but also the employees for better management. Hence, it is essential to ensure that your app should be able to control the upcoming needs and ever increasing dealings of your enterprise.
Thus, before proceeding to the mobile world, here we present the whole depiction to better understand the prerequisites:
Redefine your strategy for internal enterprise structure:
Let’s take a look at one of the key perceptions.
It is mandatory for every organization to strive for a centralized management, internally. But when it comes to large organization, there can be many obstacles, such as lack of synchronization between executives, efficiency, customer and employee relationship, enormous trans formative exchange, and so on. Well, the perfect internal management appeals the customers. Yes, you can say that a customer’s perception is your reality. And to better maintain it, you need to act in the mobility direction.
Choosing a mobilized version of the legacy computing system is the utmost priority of your investment plan. The enterprise mobility and administration could strengthen your internal structure, starting from the subordinates to the superordinates of an enterprise. Obviously, the best internal structure will result in an increasing number of happy customers. Mobile apps have taken precedence with the agile transactions, faultless allocation, standardized decision process and flat flow of work through the portable devices. That refers to a continuous connection with your business in a secured manner even when you are in a sleep! How handy is this?
Difficulties in choosing an app development path? Here is a way:
The app development debate will be ongoing over the span of upcoming years. Choosing an app development path is subjective and it depends on features you want to incorporate. Clearly, the large enterprise requires the scalable proliferation solution as they have to deal with plenty of transaction per day. In such case, the custom enterprise app development would be the appropriate choice. But if there is a matter of small and midsized enterprise, custom application development might not be a feasible way. Large mobile app platforms need updates, support, maintenance and robust security which can be regarded as focused activities. On the other hand, there can be a way to think forward to enhance the user-experience of application.
Choosing a right development path whether it is a custom or native platform app development will definitely lead an inclusive mobility approach.
The usage of the mobile app at the enterprise level must be delivered a strategic result. However, the enterprise executives face barriers such as lack of direction flow, the transformation of data through the mobiles devices, lack of efficient technology usage, and so on. But, every enterprise has identified that adopting mobility solution has a price. Thus, opt for enterprise app development platform accordingly and leverage optimum usage of enterprise mobility solution.
Enterprise apps take precedence
In order to adopt changes and stay competitive in the market, you are likely to have enterprise mobility as your main concern of investment. Enterprises are also moving towards big data analysis and centralized way of mobility that can be accessed from anywhere in the cloud. As the world going online, businesses and enterprises need to emphasize on technology ensuring mobile future aspects. By now, the enterprises are focusing on robust mobility tools that can adopt the rapid boost in the market economy.
Going towards next, mobile enterprise solution will keep its place along with the strong perception of agility, a base of IoT (Internet of Thing) and sufficient mobile insights. Furthermore, the evolution of technology and portable devices will lead towards a complete mobile solution for each segment of an industry.
Final thoughts
The enterprise mobility solution is equally critical to rolling out the businesses in the upcoming mobile driven approach. As 2016 played a critical role in enterprise mobility solution, entrepreneurs have started getting accustomed to the mobile landscape. With the growing number of mobile devices, enterprise apps development will be a key area to invest. The Consumerization of technology is escalating in a mobile era to meet the growing business demands. Regardless of business size, enterprise mobility solution is the powerful, secured and elegant way to remain up-to-date in the marketplace.