CakePHP – The Best Framework for Large Scale Website Development

Using a framework for website development can not only save lot of time for the developers, but, can also reduce their efforts needed to put in for the process. Frameworks will provide stability to the web development tasks as the components of the framework are developed to work together and are thoroughly tested. There are different kinds of frameworks available for developers for web development based on the platform they have selected like PHP, dot net etc. When it comes to PHP development with a framework, CakePHP is widely used by the developers for the invaluable advantages it offers. CakePHP is an open source platform that allows for dynamic websites and applications development with ease. It is a comprehensive platform well-organized and integrated with perfect collection of elements required for CakePHP development.

CakePHP Development

CakePHP with its well-structured MVC platform allows for better management of code behind interface to quick start a project. Isn’t it amazing to learn that nearly 45% of the business websites these days are developed on this platform? With CakePHP, even complex business websites can be developed smoothly as the community support available with this platform is just incredible. This is one of the reasons for why Cake is preferred for development of large scale websites for businesses and however there are several other benefits too for which developers prefer CakePHP for website development. They are as follows.

MVC Pattern
CakePHP is just best for large scale websites and applications development mainly because of its Model-View-Controller pattern. In this MVC driven pattern, it’s easy to separate the website’s or application’s logic from its presentation thereby making it easy to encapsulate any changes wither in code or design of the application without having to deal with the other.

Code Reusability
Users of this PHP framework can create codes that are reusable. Hence, a single code can be used again thereby reducing the efforts of the developers. Time involved in CakePHP development is rather less as the developers are not required to develop the code from scratch which otherwise can be a time consuming or say a daunting task.

No Configurations
In CakePHP, the developers are free from the configuration tasks as they do not require specify things like location or library or URL details of the site anywhere in the code. All they have to set up is the database connection settings. So, developers no get more time to concentrate on the logic and core tasks of the CakePHP web development process.

Easy Testing
With this framework, developer gets the ability to create tests for checking the critical points in the application. Both core tests as well as customized tests can be performed on the web applications for checking their integrity at various points of the development process. Hence, this will be really useful in development of large websites that may require performance checking at some crucial points during the development process.

Modularity & Customization
In CakePHP, it is possible to place add some custom or say special functionality in application or website through some custom components, helpers, behaviors or in the form of plug-ins. Hence, you can easily modularize your project and create it the way you like to be.

So, CakePHP is no doubt a reliable framework for development of large scale websites or applications. If you are looking for large scale website development for your business, then Grey Matter India can provide you the best services for CakePHP development. Just check out the website to get more information about the services.

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